Spanish Composition Errors
from a Combined Classroom of Heritage (L1) and Non-heritage (L2)
Learners: A Comparative Case Study
John M. Ryan
Vocabulary Skills and Online
Dictionaries: A Study on EFL Learners’ Receptive Vocabulary
Knowledge and Success in Searching Electronic Sources for
Marja-Leena Niitemaa and Päivi Pietilä
A Corpus-based Study of
Lexis in L2 English Textbooks
Cathrine Norberg and Marie Nordlund
Scarlet Letter:
Embroidering Transcendentalism and Anti-transcendentalism Thread
for an Early American World
Ramtin Noor-Tehrani (Noor) Mahini and Erin
Perception and Experience of
Teacher Educators about Their Motivation: A Case Study Approach
Zafarullah Sahito and Pertti Vaisanen
Methods Used to Eliminate
the Students’ Chintonglish Sentences in Their Writing
Xiaoying Zhou and Hangjie Liao
The Development and
Validation of the EFL Learning Context Questionnaire
Weningtyas Parama Iswari, Haryanto
Atmowardoyo, Muhammad Asfah Rahman, and Susilo
Note-taking in
Persian-English Consecutive Interpreting: Considering Iranian
Translation Teachers’ and Students’ Opinions
Rasoul Marani and Hossein Heidari Tabrizi
The Relevance among
Preservice English Teachers' Preparation Courses, Their Views
about Teaching and Their Real Teaching Behaviors (A Case Study)
Hosam ElDeen Ahmed El-Sawy
A Study on the Spread of
Chaozhou Opera in Thailand under the Strategy of Maritime Silk
Lei Miao and Qiuping Wang
Evaluating a New Writing
Material: Students’ Perception towards the Use of a Teacher-made
Mansur Akil, Arifuddin Hamra, Haryanto
Atmowardoyo, and Magdahalena Tjalla
Toward the Use of Conceptual
Metaphors of “Teacher” Perceived by High-school Students
Fariba Mansouri Koohestani, Narjes Banou Sabouri,
Parisa Farrokh, and Maryam Hessaby Dehbaneh
Incorporating Intercultural
Competences in Developing English Materials for Writing Classes
Haerazi, Dedi Irwansyah, Juanda, and Yek Amin
The Pragmatic Strategies
Adopted by an Advanced Chinese EFL Learner in Realization of
Request Speech Act—A Case Study
Yanfei Su
Learning Tasks Design in
Improving Reading Comprehension Ability of Informational Text of
5th Grade in Indonesia: An Interactive-compensatory Model Use
Tri Indri Hardini, Ryan Dwi Puspita, and
Rully Agung Yudhiantara
The Effect of Visual
Contextual Support and Glossary of Words on Guessing Meaning of
New Vocabulary Items in English by Pre-university Male EFL
Kamal Nasrollahi and Samran Daneshfar
A Comparison of Corrective
Feedback Used in International and EFL Contexts
Julia Simhony and Natthapong Chanyoo
A Study of the Transitive
Construction of Chinese Dream
Min Lian
Developing Authentic-based
Instructional Materials for Writing Skill
Andi Kamariah, Djamiah Husain, Haryanto
Atmowardoyo, and Kisman Salija
Dynamic Assessment in
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory: Origins and Main Concepts
Samran Daneshfar and Mehdi Moharami
Teachers’ Beliefs of
Authentic Materials for Teaching Reading in Indonesian EFL
Desy Rusmawaty, Haryanto Atmowardoyo,
Arifuddin Hamra, and Nurdin Noni
From Differentiation of the
Expressive Effects to Conscious Use of Rhetorical Language
Yulan Gu
Bilingual-based Instruction
in Teaching English for Academic Purposes at Islamic University
Sitti Nurpahmi, Muhammad Asfah Rahman, and
Kisman Salija
The Effect of Using Fun
Activities on Learning Vocabulary at the Elementary Level
Farideh Bavi
Vietnamese Voices: A Project
for Activating Student Autonomy
Nguyễn Ngọc Lưu Ly
The Cultural Factors in
Postcolonial Theories and Applications
Yufeng Wang
Do Cultural Intelligence and
Language Learning Strategies Influence Students’ English
Language Proficiency?
Noor Rachmawaty, M. Basri Wello, Mansur Akil, and
Syarifuddin Dollah