Immersion versus Engagement
Strategies: Examining the Effects on Conversational Competence
amongst Korean Students in an Intensive English Program
Aaron Jones
Semantic-related Word Root
Sets: To Work, or Not to Work
Li Min Chen
Can the Reading Construct Be
Examined outside the Reading Context? An Investigation of the
Construct Validity of an English as a Foreign Language Reading
Godefroid B. Katalayi
Cognitive Levels in Saudi
EFL Teachers’ and Textbook Questions
Abdulaziz Ibrahim S. Alnofal
The Phonological Influence
of Ethnic Community Languages in Learning Kiswahili, a Case of
Kinyakyusa in Mbeya, Tanzania
Godson Robert Mtallo and Harid Andrew
Ethics and Translation of
Shakespeare’s Dramas —A Case Study on Zhu Shenghao’s Translation
of Romeo and Juliet
Zhiwei Gu
Use of Technology in the
Teaching of Telugu Concepts to Create Enthusiastic Learning
Environment—A Case Study among Educators
Elliah Prema and Bahadur Goonesh Kumar
Ethical Consciousness under
Totalitarianism —Review on George Orwell’s 1984
Xuan Qin
Research on Evaluation Model
of the Effective EFL Teaching in the Era of Informatization
Jinzhu Zhang
Spelling Errors among Arab
English Speakers
Thara Mahmoud Ali Aloglah
Research on MTI Theses of
Inner Mongolia University—Taking the Theses of the Students of
Grade 2011-2013 as a Case
Huaiyu Mu
Analysis of Xi’s Diplomatic
Speeches from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory
Yun Lian
An Exploration of the
Concept and Practice of Co-teaching in Public Secondary School
EFL Classes in Benin
Sekoubaou, Abel, Gbènakpon
Research Summary of College
English Micro-lecture in China
Yan Wu
The Development of
Intercultural Sensitivity of Business English Majors by the
Multimodal Teaching Program
Xin Yang
Serial Verb Constructions in
Ni Luh Ketut Mas Indrawati, Ni Made Suryati,
and Ida Ayu Made Puspani
Teachers’ Roles in China’s
EFL Classes Adopting the PAD Mode
Xihong Qi
The Anomie and Norm of
Network Language Communication
Xin Zheng
English Language Challenges
among Students of Princess Aisha Bint Al-Hussein College of
Nursing & Health Sciences at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University
Reem Rabea, Nusaiba Adel Almahameed, Ahmad H.
Al-Nawafleh, and Jawad Obaidi
The Problems and Suggestions
on Education of Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School
in Zhoushan City
Nvjie Guo, Jingjing Lu, Zhijie Chen, and Han
Applying Output-drive,
Input-enabled Hypothesis in College Students’ Intercultural
Communication Competence: A Case Study of Sichuan University of
Arts and Science
He Wei
Professional Role of Tour
Guides and Theoretical Consequences of Intercultural
M. Dahlan Bahang, Basri Wello, and Mansyur
On Building a Specialized
Chinese-English /English-Chinese Electronic Dictionary for
Chinese Business English Learners
Zhiyi Zhou
An Analysis of English
Vocabulary Learning Strategies
Zhihong Bai
Sociolinguistic Analysis of
the Language of Palm Wine Drinkers’ Club (Kegite)
Okeke, Gloria Tochukwu, Mbah, Boniface
Monday, and Okeke, Chukwuma Onyebuchi
A Study of EMP Curriculum
Reform Based on the Need Analysis
Yuan Kong
Cognitive Motivation for
Unaccusative Verbs with Objects in Existential Construction in
Haiying Wu, Ye Liang, and Liling Tian |